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Philly Days

Philadelphia is a beautiful city no matter what time of day! However, there truly is nothing like a beautiful day spent somewhere in this exciting city. As a native, I do love the Northeast section of the city, but during those nice days I really love to head downtown and find some great places just to walk and shop. Some of your best stores are found all over Philadelphia, but especially downtown (don't be fooled by location, some of the stores are actually CHEAPER!). My favorite part really is just to walk around and enjoy the sights. So even though what I am going to tell you is basically part of what most tourists do see, even though this is suppossed to be a "native view" on the city, these are just some things that I feel everyone has to see, just because it really is enjoyable.


Where do all the hippies meet? South Street, South Street!! Yes, on this strip of stores you will find one of the largest varieties of humans throughout this city! You also may find see new clothes of the future walking past some vintage styles that are finding their way back on shelves. Some styles walking down the street are the everyday styles we all know and love today, and others are some... well, that we can appreciate from a far but would not want to model ourselves. Not only is there a variety found in the people, but in the stores as well. Walking down the streets, one will find Payless, Gap, a variety of bars, Chinese and pizza places, and other stores that would be found in any mall you would visit on a normal basis. However, sprinkled (heavily) throughout these stores, one will find unique places, such as a store dedicated to hats, an accessory store with great prices and awesome stuff, The TLA (for concerts and other shows), vintage shoe stores, and other stores that are, well... somewhat unmentionable. However, if there is something you are looking for, take a look on South Street! There is a good chance you will find it!

Personally, I believe that an exciting day on South Street should be ended with a peaceful stroll along Penn's Landing. Whether you are with a friend, enjoying a romantic date, or simply taking a walk, Penn's Landing is simply beautiful and breathtaking. During the summer, I love to grab my Ipod and take a ride down to take a nice walk along the river. Even I sometimes go alone, and sometimes take friends. Either way, it is always one of my favorite things to do. Watching the boats as well as the sun set along the river... it is just relaxing! But it is something to experience for yourself - enjoy the views and the cool river breeze. Take a ride on the ferry or visit the Seapot Musuem. No matter what you do, just make sure that you go!

The Philly Italian Market is a quite a historical part of the city; however, after living here forever it really is nothing more than a really cool place to go for some good coffee and the city's best canolli. I think the reason the market is somewhere that I absolutely love to visit is the fact that it is actually part of family tradition. From the time I was a child until now, as a family we would always head to the market. We would head to certain stores like the Spice Corner and DiBruno's for some ingredients meant to go into our traditional Italian specialties, especially some that are only made for certain holidays. Another reason I go is to see a friend of mine who happens to be one of the managers at Anthony's Coffee House and Chocolate House. However, these are personal reasons. For visitors, basically, there is nothing to say other than what an awesome neighborhood to visit! The houses are so cute and unique, the stores are run by family and friends, so even if you only go every now and then there is a good chance you will have the same person waiting on you, and there is rich heritage as you walk in and out of stores, mainly butchers, cheese shops, and bakeries - speaking of, many people will tell you that Termini's is the place to go for a canolli, but I think that when you visit the market you should take the short walk to Isgro's because that truly is where you will find the best canolli in town!

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